The Time Horny James Worthy was Arrested

The Time Horny James Worthy was Arrested
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James Worthy is a legend of the game, he once got arrested for soliciting prostitution, bailed himself out, and made it to his team’s game the same night.

When asked about the arrest after the game, Worthy said his “mind was elsewhere.” The question is, which one?

Hot in Houston

It was a hot Thursday afternoon in 1990 and some Laker players were napping to beat the heat before their game against Hakeem and the Rockets that night. Others had a Houston-sized hard-on😈

“Big Game” James Worthy was solidly in the latter category. Around 1 PM he made a call to a local escort service and demanded some scantily-clad flesh be delivered to his hotel room within the hour.

A Class B Misdemeanor

Upon opening his door, he must’ve thought he had ordered a law enforcement-themed escort, but alas it was the real Houston PD. Who proceeded to hook and book Worthy on two counts of solicitation of prostitution.

In the end, James confirmed that his”Big Game” nickname applied beyond the basketball court and his prize was a Class B misdemeanor under Texas law, which amounted to one year of probation, a $1,000 fine, and 40 hours of community service.

Unfrazzled by a little police business, James posted the $500 bail, made it to The Summit arena by the start of the second quarter, and entered the game with 9:41 to play. The crowd let out a loud cheer befitting a local legend.

The Time Horny James Worthy Was Arrested

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