How Minnesota Lost the Lakers And Got Stuck With the T’Wolves

Minneapolis Lakers team picture
Companion track

Once upon a time, in the 1940s, there was a basketball team called the Minneapolis Lakers. They were known for their impressive skills on the court and their love for the great state of Minnesota. But one day, the Lakers up and decided they needed a change of scenery and packed their bags, and headed for the sunny beaches of Los Angeles.

But why did they leave? Well, why does anybody leave Minnesota? There are a few theories floating around.

Some say the Lakers were tired of the long, cold Minnesota winters and yearned for the warm California sun. Others say they were tired of playing in the same rickety old arena and wanted to see what it was like to play in a fancy new stadium frequented by call girls.

But the real reason the Lakers left Minnesota… it’s gotta be the mufuggin’ mosquitoes. That’s right, those damn bloodsuckers were just too much for the Lakers to handle. They would constantly distract the players during games, buzzing in their ears and biting at their ankles. It was unbearable.

So, the Lakers packed up their bags and headed to Los Angeles, where the mosquitoes were few and far between. And they lived happily ever after.

But not everyone was happy about the Lakers’ departure. The people of Minnesota were devastated to lose their beloved basketball team. They tried everything to get the Lakers to stay, from offering free bug spray to building a giant mosquito net over the entire state. But nothing worked.

The Minnesota Wolf Mosquitoes

So, the moral of the story is: if you’re a basketball team and you’re tired of mosquitoes, just pack up and head to California. But be prepared for a caravan of angry fans brandishing pitchforks.

Minneapolis Lakers fans

In conclusion, the Minneapolis Lakers left Minnesota for Los Angeles because the mosquitoes were too much for them to handle.

Of course, this is a fictional story and in reality what really happened is, the Lakers moved to Los Angeles in 1960 due to poor attendance, financial struggles, and lack of a suitable arena in Minneapolis. They became the Los Angeles Lakers and went on to be the (second) most successful franchise in NBA history.

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